Friday, 4 February 2011

I woke up at 3AM to go for a drink of Ribena and a few jelly babies, before I went back to sleep I decided to check Twitter as you just never know what you've missed in 3 hours.  I was glad I did because I saw the new US Vogue March 2011 cover with my babe Lady Gaga.

Photo Credit:

I think I quite like it; her body looks amazing and her hair colour is pretty sweet but it's all still looking a little too "Alejandro" for me - I just want to see that lovely tan and her platinum blonde wig make a return.  I'd have preferred her cover to look a little like Britney for W Magazine in August 2003:

Photo Credit: W Magazine
Or herself for "944" in January 2010:

Or "Maxim" in July 2009 which I was so obsessed by:

Photo Credits: Amy Grindhouse

I'm really excited that Gaga is back though and can hardly wait until "Born This Way" is premiered at the Grammy's.  She posted the lyrics on her Twitter account last Thursday and I really hope she goes for this look:

I hate that tattoo but LOVE that jacket.

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